- Aug 2, 2021
AIRSTEP Spk Edition V1.2 firmware update
Add support of toggle on/off the new pedals in the Positive grid Spark Amp's 2.0.0 firmware updatem and fix Bluetooth audio interruppt issue when toggling Drive/Delay/Modulation of Spark Amp. For AIRSTEP/AIRSTEP Lite users, please wait for the 1.9 Firmware for these updates related to Spark Amp control.
Please note that if you feel good and have no issue with the usage, this firmware upgrade is not necessary for you to do.
If you have the issue and need to toggle the new effects in the latest Spark Amp firmware update, please follow the tutorial below:
You need to download AIRSTEP Updater in advance, here to download:
iOS: https://apps.apple.com/cn/app/airstep-updater/id1577663031?l=en
Android: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.timeyaa.flutternordicdfuexample
How To Update?
1. Press and hold the footswitch D of AIRSTEP Series, and turn on the power switch. When the second footswitch LED from the left is on, it means upgrade mode has been entered.
1. Please allow the AIRSTEP Updater to use Bluetooth.
2. Select the product model that needs to upgrade.
3. Select "AIRSTEP" in "Device".
4. Select the firmware that needs to upgrade in "File".
5. Click "START UPDATE" to start the upgrade.