AIRSTEP Kat Edition

"A Game Changer Foot Controller for KATANA Amp"



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What can it do?

Hands-free switch channels, toggle effects, change effect types and tap tempo of KATANA 50/100/Head/Artist MkII & I.

Modify Amp sound with BTS App for iOS and Android, Wirelessly!

No setup required, Plug and Play!

Total game changer for KATANA-50 users.

Channel Mode - Blue LED

Effect Mode - Green LED

AIRSTEP Kat has more powerful functions than the BOSS GA-FC footswitch and can work simultaneously with it if you already have one. It has an additional "GA-FC Expand Mode" to make up for the lack of GA-FC. 



GA-FC Expand Mode

All features are demoed in this video

Compare AIRSTEP Kat and BOSS GA-FC

With the AIRSTEP, you can finally control KATANA-50 just like the GA-FC and even more, like unlock five effects at once on MkI.

BTS App Wireless Connectivity×
Switch Channels
Toggle Effects
Toggle Solo, PedalFx, EQ, Send/Return, etc.
Change Effect Type
Program Footswitch Function
Available for KATANA-50
Unlock 5 effects at once on MKI×
Expression Pedal Port in total13

AIRSTEP connects Amp via USB and BTS App via Bluetooth, it makes wireless communication between the two. You can wirelessly modify your Amp sound anywhere!

Note: The BOSS official App is BTS for KATANA-AIR, there are some differences from the computer version, but most functions are the same (check the differences). There's a third-party BTS App called KATANA Librarian, which is recommended and more powerful.

Check User Manual here.


  • Hand-free switch channels and toggle effects
  • Modify Amp sound with phone App wirelessly
  • Change Effect Type (color) and Tap Tempo
  • Ability to program footswitch to additionally toggle Solo, PedalFx, EQ, Send/Return, etc. 
  • Simultaneously work with BOSS GA-FC footswitch
  • Additional ''GA-FC Expand Mode" to make up for all the lack of GA-FC
  • Unlock five effects at once on MkI
  • Ability to connect the original BTS in Mac wirelessly
  • Available for KATANA 50/100/Head/Artist MkII & I
  • Firmware can be upgraded to keep up with the latest BOSS firmware
  • Built-in rechargeable battery for 100 hours of continuous use
  • Robust aluminum extruded shell


They can do more

The AIRSTEP series is an unprecedented foot controller, which can control almost all music-related devices and software around you. The AIRSTEP Kat Edition is one of AIRSTEP series product only used for KATANA MkII & I control.

Other Special Editions:
Spark Amp Footswitch - AIRSTEP Spk Edition;
THR-II Amp Footswitch - AIRSTEP YT Edition;
KATANA/WAZA-AIR Footswitch - AIRSTEP BW Edition;

If you want to control your devices with MIDI, switch the tube amp channel, control YouTube or DAW when playing, etc. We highly recommend you choose the regular AIRSTEP.

Control abilityAIRSTEP Kat EditionAIRSTEP
Spark Amp×
YouTube Video×
YouTube Looper×
Music Sheet×
Expression Pedal In
5-Pin MIDI×

Bluetooth MIDI×

Bluetooth HID×
Relay Out×

Check this playlist to learn more about what can AIRSTEP do.


  • 30 meters (100') wireless communication range
  • Battery powered and rechargeable by 5V - 9V DC@200mA
  • Robust aluminum extruded shell
  • Weight: 650g
  • Dimensions: 300 x 70 x 45(H) mm